This will hopefully be a quick one. Two days ago I had a CT scan for my cancer surveillance and all is well in that regard. However, my oncologist, who happens to be on jury duty, emailed me to say that I have a calcification in my freaking L-A-D (left anterior descending artery) of the heart, and this is unusual in a guy my age (clearly they missed the sub-title --- a fat lazy kid...) and warrants a cardiac work-up. Lovely! Just what I need --- one more excuse to back out of ironman. Btw, this is the major artery of the heart and from what I am told, it is called the 'widow-makers' artery. Figure it out. Mom's concern was that my training partners knew CPR.
So I have already seen the cardiologist, who was concerned but not worried. Now a million dollar workup will begin and I will carry-on to Madison for my race. Speaking of which, training carries on, and I promised I would post a brief update:
6.14.08 - run 18mile (2:28.50) avg pace 8:13/mile with goal of a negative split. Successful by three minutes
6.15.08 - 45mile recovery bike ride. Best route to date: Cedar river and May Valley
6.16.08 - open water swim at Martha Lake 1.2 miles
6.18.08 - easy brick - quick 15 mile ride (20mph) then easy 1 hr swim (2800 yds)
Today - 10km tempo run - 46:24 - avg 7:44/mile
* that's not my CT by the way
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