Friday, June 13, 2008

'100 days of greatness'

I say this with my tongue in my cheek... this is what I have termed the last 100 days leading up to IMWi.08.  I doesn't imply 'greatness' in the presence; instead it refers to how great my training will (has to) be.  Hopefully this will entail better nutrition and sleep.  Maybe I should also strive for blog greatness.  Makes me feel like a class B blogger when I look at my friend Perry's Alcatraz site.  Visit his site and you will get a day by day update --- impressive if you ask me.  I also took some heat from a couple of friends (who have a minor addiction to tri blogs about not sharing mine with them).

The weather has been 'sub-par' for training (but par for the course for spring in Seattle) so I am feeling like I haven't been riding enough.  The trainer counts but is so literally and figuratively painful.  We did a great run in Eastern Washington -the Sunflower Run.  A great hilly trail run from Mazama to Twisp.  It was billed as a 22-ish mile course, but my footpod clocked it closer to 23-ish.  Seriously, a teammate of mine commented that parts of the course were like the "hills are alive with the sound of music" hills.  Had a great paella feast afterwards... I could blog about that too - I guess. 

I swore I would never do this; that is bore people with my training of log, but I figure this way maybe some passer-by might make me accountable for the next 100 days (actually 86 and a couple hours currently) -- Dare me to train:

6.9.08 - swimming in Boulder, CO - tough one with the elevation so I swam for time (60min) instead of distance.  Too bad one day in the pool at elevation wouldn't help me out at sea level, but enjoyed the 80 degree weather and got a sunburn to boot!

6.11.08 - morning swim with endurance and technique focus - 3600 yds / 70 min.  Got the workout from "Going Long" by Joe Friel and Gordo Byrne

6.11.08 - Cross-training / weights at the gym - 60 min

6.12.08 - Late afternoon brick; it was sunny and high 60's - 100 min ride / 20 min run

I worked too late today to train, but am planning an 18 mile run tomorrow with brief swim at Coleman Pool (a Seattle treasure if I say so myself), then an easy 45-50 mile recovery ride on Sunday.  Keep you posted...

* btw - the pic was taken along the North Cascades Hwy coming home from the Sunflower run

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