Sunday, March 2, 2008

channeling the inner.IRONman

As I start out with this blog, there is one thing for certain in my mind --- until you are the guy that crosses the ironman finish line, you are only a guy who may or may not have an inner.IRONman.

I think there are two kind of people in regards to doing an ironman triathlon; you either sit watching the ironman on TV and say, "Why in the world would anyone ever even think of doing such a thing?" or you say, "Hmmm, I could do that..."  Well I was that second guy, and now here I am, channeling my inner.IRONman

The clock is already ticking and the countdown nearing the six month mark.  So here it is, a journal, a blog, a corner of the www that is mine --- and maybe yours --- where I will begin to learn more about the ironman inside of me.

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